

Early Stage Startup Engineer

Forte is using technology to radically improve online music lessons. We’re backed by Sequoia, Allen & Company, Max and Nellie Levchin, Abstract VC, Bling Capital, and Brooklyn Bridge Ventures. We’ve partnered with the Royal College of Music, Berklee College of Music, Curtis Institute and The Grammys to create an online lesson platform being used by thousands of musicians around the world.

Platform usage has more than doubled since September to 7,000 hours of lessons per month. Next month, we will launch a marketplace for students to find new teachers on Forte. We currently have over 1,100 students signed up for our marketplace waitlist.

We are hiring a handful of software engineers to form the core of our product development team. We want scrappy, action-oriented engineers who are ready to dive in and build something great. We expect to hire a team with various levels of experience; we value what you’ve done previously, but we value your future more. If you love to build cool products, this is the place for you. If you happen to love music, all the better! This is an opportunity to join a fully-remote team with an exciting mission and competitive cash and equity compensation.

We expect to staff a team with a mixture of the following skill sets. Rather than limit these to individual jobs, we’d love to give you the opportunity to knuckle down in one area – or to contribute in multiple areas. Our initial hiring is focusing on:

  • Front-end engineers to build the core user experiences for our teachers and students. We are using React with a mix of Javascript and Typescript. We expect most engineers to operate up and down the stack, but a CSS specialist would be awesome too!
  • Software engineers who enjoy working with infrastructure/architecture. We believe that “DevOps is a mindset, not a team.” We want someone to help drive pipelines, automation, and our backend architecture, which is currently in AWS.
  • An audiophile who is experienced and/or passionate about delivering high-quality audio
    experiences across the web. We are using WebRTC, but will explore other options given the right engineer to tackle the challenge.

The ideal candidate will demonstrate the ability to work both collaboratively, but also autonomously,
as needed, exercising strong independent judgment to ensure development velocity. We are building a culture that values:

  • “Best idea wins.” We don’t want egos, we want great products. It doesn’t matter whose idea is the best, our job is to identify the best idea and build it!
  • “Speed cures all ills.” It isn’t enough to be Agile; we want to be fast. We will architect systems that minimize dependencies and enable individual engineers/teams to own their solutions.
  • “Diverse teams rock.” We know that the best ideas come from diverse teams. We value alignment, but not because of groupthink, but because we’ve identified the best ideas.
  • “Always be learning.” We value your expertise, but we also expect you to know what you don’t know – and be learning it.
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